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My (edited) Journal

Observations, events, comparisons, thoughts, rants, linguistics, politics, my students, and anything else I care to write about.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

My Students

I am going to miss my students!!

Today Mina's 2 PM class that I used to teach came into the teachers' room and gave me goodbye cards. They were really sweet:

Thank you Beth Teacher
I will miss you Beth Teacher!
I am sad.
very very sad.
Beth love you
I am very very sad.
name: Maria (and Korean name)

I will miss you Beth Teacher!
Thank! you Beth Teacher.
Good bye!
I love you!
From: Kate

I thought that it was so out of character for Matt to have them make cards. I thanked him, and he explained that it wasn't his idea. He told them that I was returning to the USA, and Kate suggested making cards. These are kids that have only been studying English for perhaps a year! She was able to explain to him what she wanted to do, then explained to the other students in Korean. Matt then got the supplies, and they wrote the cards themselves. They mimed "miss" for him, and asked how to spell a few other words, but otherwise it was on their own--the ideas and English are theirs! Matt said that I must have done something right. Hooray! Part me, part their positive attitudes, part Mina threatening to beat them?

Jenny brought in hair pins and a letter for me. I guess it's a reminder to give them a gift tomorrow!

Dear Beth...Teacher! How are you? I'm very sad. Becaus your going to the U.S.A. But we are not cry. We want your happy. Your going to the U.S.A. Your school teacher...speaking I'm
listen. Your gift is a hairpin. Than happy CHUSEOK!! Goodbye teacher. Korean your think Korean come on please....Jenny

I can understand what my professor (Dr. S) was talking about near graduation time. He said that he often wonders what happens to his students and how they're doing. I thought he was being all sappy and I thought it was out of character for him, but I suppose even big grumps can be sad when their students leave and go out into the world, worried about what will happen to them next. He wasn't on campus the day I visited in March. I'll make sure to see him when I get back.


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