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My (edited) Journal

Observations, events, comparisons, thoughts, rants, linguistics, politics, my students, and anything else I care to write about.

Sunday, September 19, 2004


Also on Friday I studied processes with another class. This class did a better job of writing down all the steps of how to do something.

How to Cook Rice (girls)
  1. washing hands
  2. scoop rice
  3. put the rice in the bowl
  4. washing the rice
  5. throw the water in the sink
  6. scoop the water
  7. put in water and rice pot
  8. close the pot
  9. push the button
  10. wait and wait
  11. open the pot
  12. scoop the rice in the bowl
  13. eat!
  14. washing the bowl and spoon

Getting on a Bus (same group of girls)

  1. going to the bus stop
  2. wait and wait
  3. on the bus
  4. give the money in money box
  5. sit down!
  6. wait
  7. ring the bell
  8. get off the bus
  9. speak "bye!"

Changing a Flat Tire (boys)

  1. put the car
  2. take out tire
  3. put the new tire
  4. change the tire
  5. put down the car
  6. go

Starting a Car (different boys)

  1. open the door
  2. sit the chair
  3. put the key
  4. turn on the key
  5. down the side break (sic)
  6. go

They persist in calling Ivan "summer bear." I think it's the cutest thing, and he doesn't seem to mind. It has even made him a little more alert in class!


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