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My (edited) Journal

Observations, events, comparisons, thoughts, rants, linguistics, politics, my students, and anything else I care to write about.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

How to . . .

From a Pink 2 class--we were studying processes, and these are the students' instructions on how to do different things:

From the girls, how to cook rice:
  1. wash the hands
  2. bowl in the water
  3. bowl in the rices
  4. in the pot
  5. set the timer
  6. wait long time
  7. bowl in the rices
  8. eat!

From the boys--how to make a green salad

  1. in the dynamite
  2. in the ddong (Konglish for "poop")
  3. in the knife
  4. in the computer
  5. in the ketchup
  6. in the rice
  7. in the ham
  8. finish

The girls again--how to get on the bus

  1. get on the bus
  2. pay the money
  3. sit on the chair

A better boys' group--how to get on the train

  1. go to the train station
  2. go ticket sell the man
  3. buy the ticket

Yes, I know, that class needs some work!!


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