Annoying Blogs
I like the new bar on the top of the blogger pages--ad-free, can search within my site, and check out random blogger sites. However, some of the random sites are complete trash! Everyone has their own thing they find interesting or want to write about--fine. However, the ones who have the strange-colored backgrounds so that it's impossible to read the blog--what's that all about? Or the ones that play L O U D music--deafen me, why don't you? The worst has to be when the popups come up saying you have to download a popup-blocker in order to continue on to their site. You click no, but it continues popping up until you're quick enough to hit the x in between it popping up. I don't want to download the self-proclaimed popup-blocker that could be a virus or spyware or anything!
The other thing that annoys me is the people who don't think they need to use standard English. Abbreviations, OK. But if there are no capital letters or punctuation, it's not worth me reading it. WoRsE iS WHen THEy dO thIS beCAusE iT's pRActicALly iMPosSiBle tO rEaD. What's the point?
A good number of the random blogs are ones with only 1 entry--someone started them because they were bored and then did nothing further with them. They shouldn't show up as a random blog until they have at least a few entries.
The last thing that annoys me about some blogs that are decent that I usually read is when they say something along the lines of, "You have to read this!" I thought the point of blogs was to provide links, but also to comment on them. I'd like to know what the link is before I click on it!
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