A 5th-grader's Philosophy
I loved Randy's response in his homework. They were supposed to practice the idioms by filling in the blanks. He wrote, "I'm fed up with nothing because life is fun." What a positive outlook! Of course he's only in the 5th grade, but people should strive to have that attitude more often.
In the 7 PM class they were particularly loud so I got rather strict with them. Apparently they thought I was stressed, because Charlie showed me a way for "stress to fly away" involving twiddling of the thumbs and each of the fingers 10 times on each finger. If you're doing it in a quiet room instead of in a room full of rambunctious kids, it might work.
Edward was bugging me for money so I gave them each a penny and we talked about American vs. Korean money a bit before moving on to other topics. They do such a good job with conversation that I hate to stop them, but we have to cover a certain amount of the book each class.
Another weekend already. Mrs. Yoon called Tuesday night to tell me Korean class was cancelled this week. I considered going to Busan or a hike up Munsu Mountain, but I'll see how I feel tomorrow before deciding.
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