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My (edited) Journal

Observations, events, comparisons, thoughts, rants, linguistics, politics, my students, and anything else I care to write about.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Sax or Sex?

Grace was so so so so so so so so annoying today.  She reminded me of Rooky in many ways.  We were talking about one thing and she interrupted to talk about something completely unrelated.  She asked me about my vacation plans.  I told her my plans, and then she asked me further questions about it.  I looked at the other students with a questioning look as I repeated what I had already said.  One of the students said to another in Korean, "Didn't she already say that?"  YES!!  Some students (ahem, one student) just don't (doesn't) know how to listen!!!!

The special 55-minute class at 1 PM was EXCELLENT.  Twelve kids were signed up for the free summer class, but only eight came.  Seven girls, one boy.  That in and of itself made it good, but I currently have or have had 6 of them, so had a good idea as to their temperaments, levels, what I can drag out of them, etc.  They also know how I teach, am familiar with my accent, and know the behavior I expect from them.  They were extremely quiet, but if I asked a direct question most would usually answer it.  I knew I could count on Anna or Tiffany to answer when no one else would.  Because there was no book, it was more lecture-style than I ever do, plus some pair activities.  They worked well, with only slight squirming towards the end.  Was I ever tired by the end of class!  My throat was dry and sore and I wanted to rest, but I had only 10 minutes before my normal day began.

I knew animals made different sounds in Korean and English, but other things do, too.  The latest thing I've learned is the sound a gun makes.  In English it's bang, bang.  In Korean it's bong, bong.

Over the summer vacation advanced students 4th grade and up will have a hacking test every day.  If I understand correctly, that means they must memorize 30 difficult words every day.  No playing for you, kids!

In yesterday's class we read about a boy who loved the saxophone but hated playing in the band.  At one point in the story it was shortened to "sax," which elicited laughter from most of the kids.  I wrote "saxophone" on the board and showed them its short form, then wrote "sex," which caused even more laughter.  I showed them how they're not the same thing.  Jack asked, "Sex--what is it?"  I told him to check his dictionary at home.  He looked mystified as to why everyone was laughing, then dismissed it with, "OK, talk about it!"  (Which is the title of the next section of the book.)  

Questions I've been wondering about and need to research: 
1.  "Everyday" or "every day" (Mona asked me)
2.  When writing out/saying the year, "two thousand and four" or "two thousand four."
3.  "a while" or "awhile"
Sure they're little things, but if I'm teaching them I need to make sure I'm teaching them right!


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