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My (edited) Journal

Observations, events, comparisons, thoughts, rants, linguistics, politics, my students, and anything else I care to write about.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Internet Notes

I remember reading that Blogger was going to be down for a couple of hours for maintenance stuff, but I had trouble figuring out the time zone.  Last night around 10 PM when I tried to get on it wasn't working, then at 1 AM I tried again, and it still wasn't working.  When I woke up this morning (at FIVE AM—what's wrong with me?!  and finally got out of bed at 7) Blogger still wasn't working.  Hello!  I need to blog some stuff!  I'm up to six Word pages with only three days worth of stuff!  Paranoia starts to set in, too--what's the Korean government up to now?  (Note:  I was able to post everything on a break at work Friday afternoon.)
I was surfing on a new proxy this morning and got directed to an end-of-the-world site no matter what site I tried to visit!!  Even when I switched off the proxy it continued to happen, so I freaked out that it might be a virus.  I turned off my modem, then turned it back on and things operated like normal.  (I also ran my virus checker, despite it being on a schedule!)
I took part in a survey to study the habits of bloggers.  It had some interesting questions.  One that I thought was particularly interesting was if you think you portray the same personality online that you do in person.  I said that I don't think that I do.  I know I'm a lot more talkative when I'm typing than when I'm actually talking, and that some of the anti-censorship things I've said I probably wouldn't have said in person.  (Or if I said them, I would have been a lot more subdued in my manner.)
Dad sent me a really funny site—it's a parody on the song "This land is your land" and makes fun of Bush and Kerry.
On another fun site the computer guesses what you're thinking of by asking a series of questions.  It's pretty good!


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