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My (edited) Journal

Observations, events, comparisons, thoughts, rants, linguistics, politics, my students, and anything else I care to write about.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Good morning!

I ran into Kara and Stephanie on the way to the bus THIS morning. They, also, seemed surprised to see me, and asked me where I was going. I replied, "to work." At this they were VERY surprised, so I had to jog their memories that I teach the adult class. I think most of the teachers forget that I'm there earlier than them most days. As I was leaving last night Mona said, "I envy you. You get to go home." Well, I also get to work early!

Then this morning Mona was already there doing some computer work when I arrived. I'm thinking this is just temporary until after next week's tests. After I got my stuff ready for class I went into the kids' computer room to surf. Grace started to pass by, then stopped to say "Good morning!" in a voice WAY too cheery for just after I'd woken up. The time between adult class and afternoon classes I got a lot done. I also used the 3-4 PM break to finish the two listening tests and finished the writing test. All that's left is the speaking test and recording the listening tests onto tapes.

Classes were fine. At 6 PM Sidney didn't appreciate Helen telling me what a dirty room Sidney has! (It tied in with the lesson somehow, I can't recall how.) Otherwise nothing too notable about the day.


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