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My (edited) Journal

Observations, events, comparisons, thoughts, rants, linguistics, politics, my students, and anything else I care to write about.

Monday, May 17, 2004

"A" vs. "The"

I passed Holly and Shelly on the way to the bus stop. They seemed surprised to see me. Holly keeps forgetting that I live in a new apartment this year.

Adult class was actually OK today. On the days that all my classes are either really good or really bad I'm trying to look at my attitude to determine if my attitude influenced the kids' behavior or if my attitude only influenced my thinking.

In the first class they continue to impress me with their brilliance!! Only second grade but I can understand a lot of what they say (OK, we use some gestures and body language, too). In the 6 PM class we did the last dialogue in the book (the Tom Sawyer story). They really enjoy playing the different characters, changing their voices, adding gestures as they read, etc. We spent nearly the whole class on just two pages. The characters were Tom, Huck, Becky, Aunt Polly, a man, and a woman. As it was time to choose new people to read, Billy called out, "I'm a woman! I'm a woman!" I made a big deal of it, asking him if he was Harry-Sue (a famous Korean trans-sexual that all the kids know about) but I still don't know if he realizes the difference between saying "I'm A woman" and "I'm THE woman."


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