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My (edited) Journal

Observations, events, comparisons, thoughts, rants, linguistics, politics, my students, and anything else I care to write about.

Sunday, May 16, 2004


There was absolutely nothing on TV last night, so I continued reading the book that I started in the coffee shop and read on the subway and bus ride back. I read for about 6 hours going to bed only when my head started aching and I knew that if I didn't go to sleep I'd feel bad the rest of the day. Yet I didn't want to stop reading, being anxious to see what happened next in the fascinating mystery. This morning I got up and finished it before church. More than 500 pages finished in less than 24 hours. A very exciting book, though.

After church John was there to take me to Shinbok. Only 3 kids today. The middle school boy is really good, while the elementary school boy is OK. The middle school girl is SO ANNOYING—constantly whining and not wanting to say anything. Why does she come?? After the study we talked for another 15 minutes or more about the president, sexual harassment in Korea, a comparison of the school systems in Korea and the USA, and other random topics. It's nice to be able to discuss adult topics every once in a while. Octavia and John both speak English quite well. Most of the foreigners I know here aren't really into current events.

When I got home I spent a couple of hours trying to make my computer be able to type Korean. I half-way succeeded. It will type in Korean, BUT the online dictionary doesn't recognize the font so I can't look up any words in it. (Exasperated sigh)


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