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My (edited) Journal

Observations, events, comparisons, thoughts, rants, linguistics, politics, my students, and anything else I care to write about.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Cleaning and Delivery

Despite going to bed around midnight last night, I slept until 11 this morning. Then I did a deep cleaning of the apartment, including under the bed which hasn't been cleaned since after the first night. There were a few dead roaches and lots of dust and hair. Laundry, sheets, dishes, cooking, bleaching the bathroom. Then I did a first for Korea—I didn't really want to leave the apartment, but wanted pizza, so I decided to try ordering it. I'm pretty sure the manager was the one who answered the phone. I asked him (in Korean) if he spoke English, then he switched to English. It was easy enough to tell him my address and order. He said it would take 30 minutes, but 18 minutes later the delivery boy (he looked like a high school or MAYBE University student) was at the door. Free delivery, no tipping, that fast—WOW. Usually when I go in it takes about 30 minutes—walk there, wait 15 minutes, then walk back. I'm impressed! And now they have my address on record and my phone is on their caller ID, so I shouldn't have to say much of anything in the future. Cool.


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