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My (edited) Journal

Observations, events, comparisons, thoughts, rants, linguistics, politics, my students, and anything else I care to write about.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Blog Organization

I spent a couple of hours reorganizing blogs tonight. I had been reading over 50 and even with the aggregator, it was becoming too much. I looked at the blogs on my sidebar and saw a few who were no longer updating, and other good ones that I read that weren't there. I deleted about 20 blogs from my favorites who either don't update often enough (at least once a week) or that I don't really enjoy. I'm down to a more reasonable 30 blogs now.

I caught several kids cheating today. At 5 PM Edward had a tiny 3 by 2 inch paper with all of the words written on it. I ripped up his test paper and made him take the test again, then gave his cheat sheet to Mona for her to do whatever is appropriate here. In the next class Cleo's book was in the chair next to his in a way that he could see it (he swore that it just happened to be on the page that the test was on--he put the book down there when I handed out the test--sure, so believable), while Jenny's eyes were wandering.

In the 5 PM class the girls asked me what I cooked at home and I said not much, it's easier to get Korean food from restaurants. They were amazed that I haven't cooked rice even once in the two years I've been here. When they heard how little I cooked anything, they asked if I had a refrigerator and what was in it. I named off the things for them: milk, orange juice, cola, water, yogurt, bread, eggs, butter, jelly, syrup. Again, amazement from them. No kimchi?!

In the 7 PM class they called Ivan a bear because he's always sleepy. I pointed out that bears sleep in the winter, so now he's a "summer bear."

I had forgotten what taking a shower with water pressure felt like. For the last two weeks it's been barely more than a drip. Now it's back to full pressure. It's happened 5+ times this year. What's up? The sink is also barely draining, despite using the liquid drain unclogger stuff. I don't have these kinds of problems at home. On second thought, maybe occasionally I do, but Dad takes care of them. : )

The headache continues, and nothing helps. Medicine, caffeine, chocolate--no good. Hopefully with some rest and quiet time this weekend it will go away.


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